Saturday, March 12, 2011


Pray for Japan.

I have so many friends in Japan, I hope they are all safe and well.

If I could, I would go down and do humanitarian work, but sadly I can't

日本助ける !

Aide Le Japon ! 

auttaa Japanissa !

Helfe Japan !


Help Japan!


I've been having this weird...thing.

I just came back from a bathroom store, and now i'm obsessed for looking for showers

By far my favorite :

It's called the "Anthropos Steam Shower Cabin" By Glass Idromassaggio

Steam room + Shower + Radio in Shower + Amazing look 
 I want it. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011


 I havn't traveled in 3 months.

3 months is a long time for me not to travel and just stay home.

I'd like to do a picture montage of my travels over the past 2 years. (My life in India)

Move to India July 2009.

(no picture. I had no camera D: )

Goa, India, October 2009 

Singapore Dec/Jan (Christmas and Newyears) 2009


Hampi, India February 2010


Dubai, UAE, March. 2010


Phuket/Bangkok/Phiphi Thailand. April 2010.


Montreal, Canada. June 2010


(while still in Canada) Ottawa. August 2010 (w/ broken leg)


Back to Bangalore, India. August 2010. 


Dubai (again). October 2010. 


Returned Back to Montreal. January 2011. 

And Havn't traveled ever since.
It breaks my heart </3

....and also making me depressed.

I miss India <3

Ohh boy.

First I'd like to start off by saying. 

I had a test in Physic.

I failed.

I had a Re-test , for the failed test in Physic

I failed that one too.